Update on latest

Hello, all! Thank you for following my humble ruminating.

Dark Dimension’s cover art is still being done, while Part 2 is still with the beta readers.

I have written the story basics for iFlow Creative and am currently tidying that up for the rest of the competition. The twist I put in it, the sci fi twist, has run its course, my protagonist has faced the antagonist, but there was another twist. The girl he fell for at the start of the story did not return to his home with him. Instead, she’s demanded a proper courtship with him. So, not quite a “no”, but not a definite “yes”. Watch this space.

Yes, I am starting to get itchy fingers about Heart of Deception, but I’m sticking with my guns on that. Still a few weeks to go.

Perth’s heatwave had a little bit of an ease, lower temps this week coming, but by next weekend, it should be back to the high thirties.

For those who may know about Milo, another character that I’ve started working with, he’s on hold until I finish this competition.

And for those in the area, Grow Write started up again last Thursday. Visit the Grow Write group on Facebook for prompts and round-robins.

And that’s it! I am forced to admit that I’m watching The Curse of Oak Island today. Don’t judge! I’m in it for the archaeological processes!

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